Saturday, June 2, 2012

Shopping and more project ideas ...

I did some shopping. I went into a second hand store and was on the lookout for pieces that have refashioning potential. I was very, very successful. I found two dresses (more two 2-piece dress-ish things^^)

...and I will definitely work on those. Hoping to improve my refashioning skills...
I found a really cute lace dress with a black skirt, too.

I'll probably SHARE it with my sister. We'll see if she behaves -- haha! 

And then I found the perfect little blank scrapbook for my photo album of "the BIG city". It has these black pages and looots of room for STUFF. It's perfect. Even if it has little scratches - but that doesn't matter because I want to become crazy creative with it and I'll stick things all over!! I'm soo excited about starting that project. It's going to be my first long-term project that is actually managable with my skills...Yaaaaay.

The thing with the blue flowers in the back is a - watch out - mini ironing board!! It was only 2€ and it's perfect for a little room in "the big city". It's really handy and I can still iron everything I need for sewing and my shirts and - oh it's just perfekt! It has these little feet you can put it on, but you can also just lay it on the table. It was definitely a successful shopping trip to the second hand store :)

1 comment:

  1. jealous of the black lace dress and your mini iron bord ;P But sure looks like a fun shopping trip :D
