Thursday, May 30, 2013

Stuff to Make (June)

A whole lot of plans, one summer. Or should I say two months? Not quite sure I'll actually make all these but I really do want to try. Starting today! (haha.)

bra for backless tops

sequinned hot pants

laptop case from a scarf

beaded and stitched skirt

cut offs

polka dot pants

wrap dress (maybe yellow, not sure yet)

navy skirt with white stripes

coral fancy skirt

dress from two scarves

bikini (either like this one... 

...or this one..

the dark blue one I've been
wanting to make forever)

layered dress inspiration
just that I want to make a top in 
light blue

...kind of like this one ;)

and finally make a workout shirt!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Goals 2013 - Update

So now that 4 months are over...I figured I'd revise my goal list and see which goals I actually reached. Well. I'd say, compared to the past years this year is pretty good. I remember them and at least try to reach them. Some, like the blogging, are less successful than others, but I am still working on all of them. Here is a little update on my goals 2013.

The blogging really seems to be the most difficult thing for me.

I haven't done a lot of pinterest tutorials, but I have started a whole lot of projects in sewing and crafting. So that counts halfway.

This is admittedly the one goal I forgot about. Maybe I'll try achieving it. But no promises there.

Save money. Well...I did :) And it went well. But it's probably easier because I have been earning more money lately.

That explains this point. I have been spending a lot. But it still works out with saving. So it's ok. My motto: What if something happened to me tomorrow. And if I had saved a whole lot of money and not have bought some things I wanted - it would be a total waste. Yes, save some money. But not everything :)

Be happy. Yes. Well it worked really well in the beginning. I had a little down time during the non-sunny days and some complications. But the weather has gotten a whole lot better and my happiness is increasing as well - YAY :)

Be thankful. Oh yes. I am. For everything. Every night I think about how very blessed I am to have everything I have. Thank You.

I have made people happy. And everyone I tell about my goal thinks it's a really good idea and appreciates my attemts. Especially my boyfriend. But since it's not supposed to be the same person who gets treated extra well....I had to find others as well ... ;)

I have tried out a pizza recipe. Pizza from scratch. It was real good! And I made broccoli soup and an awesome spaghetto cheese I'm good there.

My apartment is becoming more comfortable every day. Now I even have a couch.

I want to start selling my pouches. I already cut so much fabric but I haven't sewn very much yet. Get to it!

And yes. The dresses. So many events coming up - I wanted DIY wardrobe. Haven't finished so many...need. to. sew.